Instinct, Intuition & Informed Intent ~ 14 Jun 2017

During the next day, Mercury, in Gemini, aligns with the centaur Asbolus, then two days later, matches wits with Ceres. Mercury is normally associated with Gemini - the sign of this transit - and is declared as the ruler of the twins.

Mercury possesses an interesting orbital phenomenon. If Mercury was divided in half - the Sun side, the shadow side - it would take three revolutions of Mercury around the Sun for both sides of his surface to revolve to receive exposure to sunlight. Since the Sun represents conscious attention and mental clarity, there’s a three to two ratio that applies to making what one would call a clear, cogent binary decision - yes or no. Gather facts, have three mental assessment sessions. Is the answer yes or no? Can’t decide? Wait until more information arrives. Then, conduct the trinity of cogitating sessions again.

With the Mercury to Asbolus conjunction a “read the signals of the real world in real time” assist comes into play. Asbolus, like Chiron and Pholus, stood out as one of the good centaurs. He was an augur and his instincts and insights were trusted by all. Orbitally, Asbolus comes closest to the Sun in Capricorn. Here, he feels the urgency of mundane matters and pressures, desiring to make something out of every situation. Since at the shortest distance from the Sun, he similarly senses the urge to keep all things in the forefront of the conscious, mental process. His node lines up in Aries. So, ultimately, decisions made need to produce practical, progressive results for you... and you alone.

Asbolus assembles the circumstances around you into an oracle. Should you be pondering the trip to wherever for the purposes of professional betterment, or a retreat to recover your sensibilities, Asbolus prompts your eyes to catch the airline ad on the billboard at the intersection where you wait for the light to change. Though that ad has been posted for a while and you have sat at this same intersection several times since it posted, today you notice. While that visual percolates, you notice that the car next to you as a vanity licence plate that reads “GO4IT.”

Asbolus renders cautions, too. If the power is out and you cannot pump gas for your planned road trip or pull money from an ATM, is that a signal to hunker down and stay put?

Hard to know unless you apply the physical instincts that often accompany psychic “hits.” Chill bumps, hackles, a sudden churning in the stomach or some other quick body anomaly might be summoning your sensibilities to pay attention. And to discern precautions and advisements. There is a fine line between butterflies in the stomach and nausea.

With Mercury and Asbolus together, why not ask yourself some direct questions and offer yourself the first conscious reaction that comes to mind? Speak it out loud. See how it feels. Trust your instincts. Though Mercury and Asbolus stand as fans of clarity, the results of what would happen if you selected the option other than the one you picked will never be known.

Asbolus with his orbital elements in Capricorn and Aries might note that both of the totems associated with his thematic signs love to climb to the heights (and list head-butting as a desirable pastime). Perhaps the climb results in a great place to get away and reclaim yourself, to avoid peril, or to take in the dominion one has created with an appropriate sense of awe. Whatever trek Asbolus indicates you should pursue, it needs to be good for what ails you and produce measurable benefit in the mundane, or so suggest his orbital elements.

Ceres, which Mercury meets next, holds her node in Gemini, her perihelion in Virgo. According to traditional astrological rulership, Mercury holds ruling dominion over both those signs. The resulting conjunction in Gemini may initially feel like a mental mishmash. The objective(s) (better if written down with a pen or pencil on paper) of this planetary passage declare(s) a need for personal advocacy.

Personal advocacy implies that without excuse-making, justification or deprecation, you build a case for the facts of who and what you are. State what you know. Declare all skills that have been honed to expert precision. Annotate your experiences and the wisdom that resulted from the accumulation of those experiences. Note that you stand steadfast in complying with the guidance of your instincts and intuition. Proclaim that you are unrelenting in directing your insights and inspirations forward in life to innovate and inspire.

These declarations build mental charge when stated. With mental charge, emotional reaction follows. Emotional reaction resonates within the soulful core of ones being. Next thing you know, the cloudiness in the mind clears. A clear and reinvigorated mental state inspires enthusiasm and optimism.

Take the clarity, enthusiasm and optimism and store it in your hip pocket. Together they conjure informed intent - a passionate, soul-based drive based upon clear information and conscious choices. This will be needed in the near future.

Come June 18th Mercury opposes Saturn. Saturn welcomes well-thought plans and rewards intent and drive.

Come June 25th, the day after Mars in Cancer squares Jupiter in Libra demands a massive advancement in passion projects, Ceres opposes Saturn. The astrological amalgam here notes that with application of good ideas instigated with great intent, grand results return. Persons in ones sphere of influence favorably respond to ones personal real world advocacy and in real time.

The best part yet, the individual advocating for inner soul urge catches up with all that manifests in their surrounding sphere... and all the declarations made become believable in ones core. An inspiring nirvana to enjoy.

Put your thinking caps on and ride these mercurial passages. Percolate a spell and whip up all ingredients of ingenuity into an aspired agenda.

More soon.